The Daunting Task of Making Friends in the Adult World
Everybody was right. Children do have everything way easier than the rest of us. When going to the same school everyday for years, or playing recreational sports you are surrounded by many of the same people. These people soon become acquaintances, or even really close friends. You go to highschool with these kids, keep in contact with them throughout your first few years of college. But the older you get the less things you have in common with your hometown friends, leaving you yearning for some new friendships.
The older you get, the more intimidating it feels to put yourself out there and make new friends. A task that once seemed so simple now seems so difficult. Where do you even begin? Many people say that when you go to college you will meet many lifelong friends. And while I can confirm that is true, many of us don't go to college, and many of us aren’t as extroverted as others.
For the ones who find themselves attending University, say yes to everything. Join clubs, go to study groups with your classmates, or even the football games. Think of it like you are back in grade school. Surrounding yourself with people allows for you to form a stronger connection. Especially in this case when things are more separated by your interests and future careers. Having the underlying mutual interests can help form something more than a classmate. Don’t be afraid to take the first step and reach out to others to do things, making the first move will always pay off!
Life is so much more than university, and there will be a time when you aren't attending it. That's when you should begin finding public places that bring you joy, but have a social environment that will allow you to talk to others. Concerts, community events and even traveling can lead to new connections. As I previously stated, having those mutual interests already opens the door for conversation. Making it feel like there is less pressure to come up with a convo starter. If you're at a concert you can ask what their favorite song is, or how many times they have seen the artist. Attending events, classes or traveling can feel a lot more intimidating, but plenty of people do things like that alone. Going to things in your community helps you become more familiar with what you are surrounded by, and when traveling there are many occasions where you can go out with people in the same hostel as you!
Another great way to make new friends is by becoming close with your coworkers. Personally for me this has been one of the most successful ways that I have made friends. My sophomore year of college I had started working a retail job to take up my free time. Lucky for me, many of my coworkers were the same age as me, and they also attended the same university
as me. Leading to us all walking home together, showing up to work together, and even grabbing coffee on campus every now and then.
Although, I will admit, I am a yapper. I will talk to anyone and everyone. So being able to create these new connections has always been easier for me. Despite that I believe that everybody is capable of creating new friendships. It definitely is nerve wracking, I myself have been anxious over this, but everything always works out in the end. Getting older is scary, but once you find your people and peace, the fear will go away.