In My Saying Yes Era
Currently my life motto has been “If you don't say yes to everything, you are not going to have fun” and in a world where all mainstream news is stressful, now is the time to find ways to keep yourself distracted.
As somebody who used to be hesitant about doing too much and not having any personal time or not having the money to go out and do things, I realized how wrong I was. Saying yes to things does not mean you need to put your own needs and self care time on the back burner. Learning how to balance the two is a key part for being able to make this motto of mine work out. I make sure to keep most of my mornings, as well as two nights a week free so I can have my alone time.
The financial aspect may also seem worrisome. Everything costs money, and it seems as if there is never enough to do what you actually want. There are plenty of things that you can do for low cost, or for free. Going on walks in a new neighborhood, going window shopping at your favorite mall, or even going to a breakfast date to get coffee and pastries.
Even if you do have more of a budget to use, you can use that to go on weekend trips to a new city in your region, or even a new town in your state. One trip that I have planned coming up is to one of the local tulip farms in New Jersey with some of my friends.
But saying yes does not only apply to other people, it also applies to yourself. If you have been thinking about treating yourself to dinner, or taking yourself to a new class or activity you want to try you should! Everyone needs to know how to enjoy time with themselves and the best way to do that is to go out into the world and do things.
This mentality can go further than social situations. It could also be applied to new opportunities that are presented to you. I have had the ability to meet so many new people and go to some different events. For one of my classes I had read a book about a photographer who kept denying a publication who wanted to publish her work as it was not a big enough publication. In the end the photographer had lowered her standards and took the offer, leading her to become extremely successful and partake in many different campaigns that correlated with her work.
Even in my own life I have volunteered more in clubs, and been more eager to jump on stories and collaborate with my classmates on them. I have gone to many different events around the city of Philadelphia. Aside from making so many memories with my closest friends, but also strangers who I may never cross paths with again. It definitely can be overwhelming trying to find the balance. Not everything will work for every person, but once you find what works for you, your life will take a turn for the better!