Journaling Changed my Life - Here is How it Can Change Yours

Journaling Changed my Life - Here is How it Can Change Yours

When we were children, journaling seemed like a fun way to doodle. We kept our secrets hidden away from our siblings or parents. As an adult, it is a tool that leads to a deeper connection with oneself. 

Not only is journaling a great way to keep track of what is going on in your life, but it is also a way to purge emotions healthily. It gets our emotions out and onto a page. A page for our eyes only.

Here are some tips on how to journal: 

1. Do not overthink it. Words do not have to be spelled correctly, things do not have to make sense. You are not writing a story or an essay. 

There were many moments I hesitated to write down anything because I could not think of the perfect sentence. Try to let it flow effortlessly, like a stream of consciousness. 

2. Create a routine. Find a time of the day you can consistently sit and journal. Maybe you would enjoy journaling with your morning coffee. You can even bring it along with you to your favorite park.

3. Stay consistent. Like most things, consistency is key. The more you journal, the more you will understand how to use it as a tool to better your mental health. If you miss a day, don't be hard on yourself. Get back to it when you can.

4. Have fun. Add stickers, let your inner child come through. It is your journal, your expression, and your self-love. 

Journaling has helped me work through my thoughts and has given me a self-care tool I am excited to use. 

Before you know it, it becomes a part of your day, and will always be waiting for you, wherever you have left off.

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