Are You Traveling For A Summer Wedding? Here Is How To Turn It Into A Personal Vacation.
We enjoy our loved one’s weddings. But traveling out of state can get pricy, so why not turn their wedding into an excuse for a vacation? If you are paying for a flight and hotel in another state, you might as well turn the wedding into a minivacation. Here is how.
1. If you can, arrive a few days prior to the wedding.
2. Make an itinerary.
3. Take note of anything you want to see, historical buildings, restaurants, nature trails, boat tours, etc.
4. Create a time schedule.
This is a busy trip and it isn't all about you! Make sure to plan your personal activities according to the wedding schedule. Help the trip go smoothly by making a list of must-have items before you leave:
Phone charger (an obvious but often forgotten item)
Wallet with all necessary ID
Binoculars (if sight-seeing)
A book for the flight
Your wedding gift and outfit!
Turn the wedding into an adventure full of memories with friends or family and self-care.