emlyn On Her debut album “loneliest b!tch in america” And Telling Her Truth

emlyn On Her debut album “loneliest b!tch in america” And Telling Her Truth

“loneliest b!tch in america” is a fantastic debut album by emlyn. emlyn is a creative and captivating artist making music with interesting sounds and sharp lyrics. emlyn is a strong, independent, self-contained artist who creates relatable music about love, growing up and the pressure put on the appearance of the female body. In conversation with Clique, emlyn shares that the album was just completely inspired by her own life. She would say it’s primarily a breakup album combined with her journey to self confidence. There’s also some pieces that are much more vulnerable and emotional, but she is always inspired by artists that just tell their truth and own it. For her, that’s usually people like Taylor Swift and definitely a lot of Lizzo.

CLIQUE: Your debut album “loneliest b!tch in america” is released. How has it been having the album out for everyone to hear?

emlyn: It has been absolutely incredible seeing the response. The messages I’ve gotten have been overwhelming, but even more so, getting to perform the songs live in London and have all the words sung back to me was one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced.

CLIQUE: What were some of your inspirations for the album?

emlyn: Honestly the album was just completely inspired by my own life. I would say it’s primarily a breakup album combined with my journey to self confidence. There’s also some pieces that are much more vulnerable and emotional, but I’m always inspired by artists that just tell their truth and own it. For me, that’s usually people like Taylor Swift and definitely a lot of Lizzo.

“There were moments I was writing where I would question just how much other people could relate to what I was saying and the moment I abandoned those thought patterns and wrote my truth regardless, I realized I was truly challenging myself to be my most vulnerable self.”

CLIQUE: What did you learn about yourself throughout the process of making this album?

emlyn: I learned how to dismiss feelings of expectations as a songwriter. I let go of what I thought people wanted to hear from me and trusted my instincts. There were moments I was writing where I would question just how much other people could relate to what I was saying and the moment I abandoned those thought patterns and wrote my truth regardless, I realized I was truly challenging myself to be my most vulnerable self.

CLIQUE: How long did it take for you to make this album?

emlyn: It took a little under a year to make it.

CLIQUE: What is one word that you think best describes “loneliest b!tch in america”?

emlyn: Power.

CLIQUE: What do you hope those who listen to your music take away from listening to your album?

emlyn: I hope they walk away feeling empowered and seen.

CLIQUE: Is there a part of making the album that is the most fun for you or just your favorite in general?

emlyn: Absolutely the writing and producing process is the most fun. It’s also the hardest because I tend to be a perfectionist about everything, but I love creating more than anything.

CLIQUE: Who is someone that you would like to collaborate with in the future?

emlyn: I would love to collaborate with Miley Cyrus one day.

“I think the power comes from being honest with yourself and others. We are all living a shared experience for the most part. Writing every dynamic of my emotions and truth is important so that people who connect to the music do so regardless of where they’re at in their life.”

CLIQUE: Your album tells your truth. It is filled with emotions such as angst, empowerment, anxiety etc. What is it about writing these emotions and making them into a song that is so powerful?

emlyn: I think the power comes from being honest with yourself and others. We are all living a shared experience for the most part. Writing every dynamic of my emotions and truth is important so that people who connect to the music do so regardless of where they’re at in their life. If they’re sad, theres a song for that. If they need to feel empowered, there’s a song for that- and so on & so forth…

CLIQUE: What do you have in the future in terms of music?

emlyn: I am very excited to hopefully tour more this summer! I have been loving performing this album live.

Listen to emlyn’s debut album 'loneliest b!tch in america' on Spotify here.

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