5 Books that will make your Summer

5 Books that will make your Summer

If you are anything like me, summer is the time that you spend trying to catch up on all the books you said you would read over the past year. Depending on how many books you have added to your list, reading could end up being your summer job. I, myself, have five more books to read before the end of summer. 

Now, if you have yet to come up with a list, I have compiled several books that I think you might enjoy. While each book varies in setting or plot, they all have one thing in common: a strong female voice. I think that reading about strong women helps us become even stronger ourselves and hearing our points of view in the characters we read helps each of us feel recognized. Below are some books that you may find quite fascinating while reading this summer:

1. Circe by Madeline Miller

Written by the same author as Song of Achilles, Circe focuses on another famous character from Greek mythology. In this book, Miller focuses on the story of the goddess Circe and her power of witchcraft. Circe is a fascinating character to follow as she learns how to find the power within herself and overcome the wrath of some of the men and gods she encounters. She really is the definition of a strong independent woman. This is the perfect book to read if you were obsessed with the Percy Jackson series back in the day, and it is guaranteed to reignite your obsession with Greek Mythology.

2. Lucia, Lucia by Adriana Trigiani

This may be my favorite book on this list. When I first read Lucia, Lucia, I was a 16 year old that was still trying to find herself. As soon as I picked up this book, I could not put it down. Trigiani has created a heroine that I look up to and aspire to be one day. The book focuses on 25 year old Lucia Sartori as she follows her dream of working in the fashion industry. Set in 1950s New York, Lucia faces the pressures of traditional Italian values while also aspiring to do more with her life. Lucia has a surprisingly modern voice that illustrates the timelessness of the situations that she faces. Her story will keep you entertained from beginning to end.

3. Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner

This next novel focuses on female relationships and the complexities that many women face in them. The book takes place several years after a falling out that ended the friendship between Daphne Berg and Drue Cavanaugh. When Drue suddenly asks Daphne to be her maid of honor in her wedding, Daphne, who has created an image for herself that is no longer Drue’s sidekick, is forced to consider what truly matters most in her life. This novel is a perfect feel good read that will keep you entertained this summer.

4. The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman

“Confident in her own skin” is the perfect way to describe the main character in this book by Abbi Waxman. An introvert that keeps her nose in books and love trivia is suddenly forced to come out of her shell when she learns that the father she never knew has died and has left many brothers and sisters that were unknown to her. On top of that, her rival has suddenly developed an interest in her that goes beyond trivia. Nina Hill is the perfect representation for us introverts that are content in our own shells. A great read, I recommend this novel for your summer reading list. 

5. My Oxford Year by Julia Whelan

The final novel on my list shows the struggle between following love or gaining that dream job every girl hopes for. This book follows Ella Durran, a young American that finally achieves her dream of studying at Oxford University. She also has a prestigious job waiting for her back home after her studies. Everything seems set, until she meets a certain local that opens her heart. Ella is forced to reevaluate her dreams and determine what she truly wants.  

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