Women supporting Women with Anxiety

Women supporting Women with Anxiety

Increased heart rate, quickness of breath, constant worry, and restlessness. Some of the many signs of anxiety. Growing up, I always assumed that everyone experienced symptoms like these on a regular basis. After all, I grew up in a household full of naturally anxious people, so I just assumed it was normal. It was not until college that I started to take a good look at my behavior. I started to notice that other students were relaxed in situations or environments where I felt jittery. At any moment I felt as if my body could take off into a sprint with all the adrenaline that was pumping through it. After reflecting on my observations, I learned that I struggled with anxiety. Learning how to deal with it in a healthy manner was the next step for me. I tried to change my habits and take time to meditate. I also used exercise as a way of working it out of my system, but I ended up finding the best “therapy” through a different outlet. 

The first goal of a new student when they arrive at college is to make friends. Luckily for me, I ended up finding a group of girls that were also anxious new students. We were all at a new school together, which would cause stress in anyone. As time went on and I grew closer to my new group of friends, I learned that we all had another thing in common. We all suffered from anxiety. Surprisingly, the best form of therapy I have received has been that friendship. I had a group of people that understood my struggles and helped me when everything seemed unmanageable. For people suffering from anxiety, nothing helps more than having someone understand you and help you work through everything. 

I think that this is the perfect example of women supporting women. That phrase is often used in regards to women complimenting each other or wishing for each other to succeed in their goals or aspirations. We forget that one of the best ways to support each other is by simply listening to the problems that we each face. Nobody understands the struggles that us women deal with better than other women. We have similar issues and face the same unreachable cultural standards. There are hundreds of things we are expected to do, and it can be so overwhelming sometimes. It is surprising that not every woman has anxiety with everything we go through!

The support we give each other can differ from person to person. After all, anxiety manifests differently in everyone. The way we can support each other is by letting that person know that you are listening and understand their anxieties. For someone that has a tendency to overthink situations, try asking them questions to work through it. Ask them “What's the worst or best thing that could happen?” Let them know that everything will be okay, even if it feels like it won’t. 

When stressing about the multiple scenarios that could possibly happen in your head, nothing helps clear them better than a good laugh with a friend. Feeling recognized is important, and having a good support system is one of the best ways to deal with anxiety. As women, we need to remember to check in on each other. Support each other with whatever problems we may face. After all, nothing can stop the power that comes from women bonding together.

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