The Pandemic Ignited My Love for Reading– Here's What I Think About the Books I've Read So Far

The Pandemic Ignited My Love for Reading– Here's What I Think About the Books I've Read So Far

If you had told me that I would be writing this article one year ago, I probably wouldn't have believed you. Reading has never been a hobby that interested me in the slightest, so you could say my obsession and a newfound love for diving into story after story is a (pleasant) surprise. And the way I became addicted to being an avid reader is a pretty funny story if I do say so myself. It all starts in 2020– the year we all collectively wish we could pretend never happened. 

While everyone was baking banana bread and catching up on the hit series Outer Banks during the summer months of 2020, I explored an activity that had always bored me to tears– reading. It wasn't that I hated books, necessarily; it was the fact that I could never find time to sit down and relax with a story in hand. My teen and early college years were filled with dance practices, club meetings, and homework, so any free time I had for myself was spent as far away from anything that resembled schoolwork– which, to me, included books. Usually, the only time I would ever open a book of my own free will was on my family's annual summer beach vacation. One book a year seemed to be my calling.

However, during the quarantine months last year, I was presented with much more free time than I ever had in my entire life. I actually got bored watching mindless TV shows and binge-watching my favorite YouTubers– something I never thought would happen. 

Trying to get ideas of hobbies or activities I could try during my state of being uninterested in my computer screen, I surveyed my friends. I interrogated them on what they had been doing during the long stretch of days of isolation to occupy their time. Most of the responses I got were expected– walking, cooking, drawing, watching TikToks all day. However, one reply, in particular, stood out to me. 

Upon my questioning, I had a friend tell me that she read all of the Harry Potter books in under two weeks. Although I knew this friend was a diehard bookworm, my initial reaction was to not believe her. I had never read the books before, but since my mom kept them on the bookshelf in our bonus room, I knew how long and extensive each tale in the series was– and I deemed there was no way she could have flown through them that quickly. 

Typical of my competitive spirit, I ran to the stack of Harry Potter books that I passed almost every day without giving a second thought to and picked up the first adventure of the collection. As I had nothing else productive to do, I thought I'd give a go at the legendary novels my friend had claimed to read in such a short amount of time. 

From the very second I opened the first page, I was hooked. The chapters came to life inside my head, and I felt the characters' intense emotions and became extremely attached to the story. For three weeks straight, my eyes were glued to those books. I even spent all day on my 20th birthday fixed in a chair with a Harry Potter book in hand. Unfortunately, I didn't end up beating my friend's record of two weeks (which I now believe), but I would say reading all seven novels in three weeks is a fair accomplishment for a novice. 

And, yes, you're reading this right. I, a 20-year-old at the time, became obsessed with a children's story–though I would strongly argue it deserves a spot in the young adult category. Of course, I had heard the name of the books before from the lure of it being so popular and well known in culture. But, like, I said, I wasn't a big reader as a child or teen, so I skipped the Harry Potter phase and instead observed my peers from a generous distance. But now, I was obsessed. Just ten years late, but I hopped on the wizard bandwagon and never looked back. 

Not only did the infamous series provide me comfort and entertainment during an otherwise stagnant time, but it introduced me to my passion for books. Flipping through endless pages and soaking up a story is something that drew me in from the first moment I opened Sorcerer's Stone.  I couldn't believe I had gone all my life simply regarding reading as a dull or tedious task. Being able to paint limitless pictures and visions in my head as I guided through a story captivated me beyond belief. The pure joy and emotion I feel with every book I now flip through is a feeling that I sometimes can't put into words. Obviously, I have since expanded my circle outside the realm of Harry Potter. (Although they will always hold the most special place in my heart.) 

Needless to say, my love for delving into fantasies and tales beyond my own experiences is a hobby I don't think I will ever give up. Reading relaxes me, and I'm intrigued with every new adventure I discover upon those thin white pages. Being able to escape into a world outside of my own for a short time frame energizes me and is a safe haven. It may have taken a while to get here, but now that I've discovered my adoration of reading, I'm never going back.  

So far, in 2021, I have read 10 books. This may be an insignificant number to some, but as someone who once used to turn up her nose at the mere mention of reading a book outside of an academic setting, I'm pretty proud of my progress. 

With my range of books comes the good, the bad, and the satisfactory. Some kept my eyes glued to the black words page after page until I reached the climax and resolution, but I also had a few when turning the page felt like I was forcing myself to climb up a mountain, only to be disappointed with the view. 

Check out my ratings, comments, and (some) complaints for the handful of stories I've immersed myself in so far this year. 

Lies You Wanted to Hear by James Whitfield Thomson

Rating: 2/5

This was the first book I opened after the clock struck midnight and we entered 2021. Sadly, it did not start my year off with a bang. The story revolves around a classic trope: boy likes girl, girl likes boy, but a previous relationship stands in the way of a happy ever after. Not only was the main storyline a little dull, but the ending was anticlimactic. Although, it was an easy read and kept me entertained enough to finish in just three days. That being said, it has left my bookshelf forever. 

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

Rating 5/5

Obsessed isn't a strong enough word to describe my feelings for this book. The characters are fascinating and allured me in from the get-go. All the while remaining comical and snarky, a tale of drama and love makes for the perfect light-hearted read. Plus, the movie was just as enjoyable to view upon my (quick) completion of the story. 

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Rating 5/5 

The hype around not just the novel but also the movie made for an easy decision to pick up this thriller when I saw it sitting on a shelf at my local used bookstore. This mystery kept me on the edge of my seat, and suspicions and predictions as to how it would all unfold constantly rattled my brain. Not only is this my preferred genre, but this story features a shocking plot twist– which are my absolute favorites. A book that is definitely on the list for rereads, for sure. 

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Rating 3/5

I didn't necessarily loathe this book; I just can't see myself reading it ever again. The actual story and adventures she describes are interesting, don't get me wrong, but they seemed to drag on. If it was more concise, I think this read would have been more amusing. As it is a memoir, there was no real climax or resolution. Maybe memoirs just aren't my thing. 

Into the Water by Paula Hawkins

Rating 1.5/5

No doubt, this was the most disappointing novel of the bunch. I read The Girl on the Train a few summers ago while on vacation and absolutely loved it. Excited to indulge in another tale by the same author, I picked up this mystery with high expectations– and it did not reach them in the slightest. The story was complicated and confusing. Every chapter was told from a different perspective, and it was hard to keep up with ten people's points of view. I didn't find myself getting attached to any characters, so as the story unfolded, I felt very disengaged about the conflict at hand. Would not recommend it. 

China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan

Rating 5/5

I enjoyed this book as much– if not more–as the first one in the series. This is the sequel and second book in the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy, and it made me laugh just as much as its predecessor. The humorous drama is told in a compelling manner, and I breezed through this telling in just a few days. I can't wait to get my hands on the final addition of the collection! 

The Lying Game by Ruth Ware

Rating 3/5

As I have decided my favorite genre is mystery/thriller, I was inclined to buy this novel. The author also wrote The Woman in Cabin 10, which I read one summer as my yearly beach fix. I was smitten with that thriller, so this book seemed to also be up my alley. It was an intriguing read, but the mystery was easy to solve, so the suspense didn’t build up like I hoped it would. Nonetheless, it was entertaining enough to earn a spot on my bookshelf...for now. 

The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger

Rating 5/5

As someone who attends one of the top fashion schools in the world, I can't believe this infamous story didn't make it into my hands sooner. This tale had me laughing, furious, and in awe all at the same time. A sarcastic main character, a ruthless boss, and the fashion and glam of New York City? I couldn't think of a better plot. 

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

Rating 10/5

I have nothing else to say except that this was my third reread in the span of under a year. Absolutely and positively my most beloved series of all time. 

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

Rating 4/5

Honestly, I only picked up this book because of the rage around the Hulu series based on the story. Wanting to read the book before I dived into the show, I grabbed this while on yet another trip to my local bookstore. After finishing the novel, I can reveal that I'm so glad I did. The tale is heartbreaking and will put you on a rollercoaster of emotions. I felt myself sympathizing with the characters as I intently flew through the chapters. This book is captivatingly well written, and I can only hope there will be a sequel one day to tie up my lingering questions. 

While 2020 was, no question, a challenging year, there was a bright side for me. I'm glad it gave me something that I will cherish forever– a love for reading. Immersing myself in a story no longer feels like work and effort, but a simple and delightful pleasure. Who knows, maybe I will finish 10 more by the time next January rolls around? 

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