Yiigaa On Her New Single "Edge" And The Power Of Resilience

Yiigaa On Her New Single "Edge" And The Power Of Resilience

“Edge” is a declaration of self-love and acceptance for Yiigaa, as the message is one that will resonate with her ever-growing audience. “Edge” starts in a place of darkness and ends in a place of celebrating our own power. Yiigaa released this afrobeats-inspired track as a statement record that shows the growth in not only songwriting but creative direction. In conversation with Clique, Yiigaa shares that “Edge” is a song about how 90% of the time we are our own saviours, our own heroes and we don’t give ourselves enough credit. We narrate our own story and even at the brim of giving up we always bring it back from the edge.

CLIQUE: How would you describe your newest single “Edge”?

YIIGAA: “Edge” Is a song about how 90% of the time we are our own saviours, our own heroes and we don’t give ourselves enough credit. We narrate our own story and even at the brim of giving up we always bring it back from the edge. The song starts in a place of darkness and ends in a place of celebrating our own power. 

“It's very reflective in terms of lyrics and looks deeper inside the feelings of pain and loss especially in a relationship and as all of my music finds a way out of those feelings by remembering the things we are grateful for and the reason why it is we live everyday.” 

CLIQUE: What makes “Edge” stand out or different from the rest of your music?

YIIGAA: It's very reflective in terms of lyrics and looks deeper inside the feelings of pain and loss especially in a relationship and as all of my music finds a way out of those feelings by remembering the things we are grateful for and the reason why it is we live everyday. 

CLIQUE: What was the process like for making your new single?

YIIGAA: It was a long process and the song had many lives. When I write songs on the piano it can sometimes be tough to know what direction to go in terms of sound. It's almost like a huge puzzle piece, moving and changing parts until it all fits. For example ‘Edge’ started as really electronic and housey and we pulled it back to add all the elements. 

CLIQUE: Who are some of your biggest musical influences?

YIIGAA: My biggest influences at this point musically are people who blend genres especially electronic and soul and master the art of making something new and fresh sounding. So artists like Katy B, Miss Dynamite, Kaytranada, Black Coffee and my favourite artist for the last couple years is Niniola. 

CLIQUE: If you could collaborate with anyone who would it be?

YIIGAA: Anyone is so hard! But I'd say, purely because he’s so hard to work with, it would be Frank Ocean just because if I have that pass I have to choose Frank! 

“At the end of it all we have ourselves and I think as much as it's important to make music that talks about the pain and troubles in life, it's also important to reflect on what gets us through everyday and how amazing as people we are to make it through the toughest of situations.”

CLIQUE: Can you explain to us why you decided to make “Edge” A declaration of self-love and acceptance?

YIIGAA: Because at the end of it all we have ourselves and I think as much as it's important to make music that talks about the pain and troubles in life, it's also important to reflect on what gets us through everyday and how amazing as people we are to make it through the toughest of situations. That’s what the pandemic has taught me, the power of resilience. 

CLIQUE: Is there anything exciting you have coming up that you would like to share?

YIIGAA: Yesss lots of new music! So much more exploring and boundary pushing. I want to try it all! More shows and more visual journeys. I'm so excited to show the world my vision! 

CLIQUE: When did you start getting into making music?

YIIGAA: I've been making music since I was about 7, my first band was with my family friends called the “Rock Kittens” we were a pop indie rock band! But recording wise, my friend asked me to record a garage track with him aged 16 and that was the first time I properly recorded and released a song. 

CLIQUE: Is there a certain way you hope that your single leaves its listeners feeling?

YIIGAA: I want people to be left feeling uplifted, I want people to feel they can make it through something and be proud of the times they have! 

CLIQUE: What is the biggest thing you learned in the process of making music?

YIIGAA: Oh wow so many things! I think the main thing is making music for you, making music that is a reflection of your mind and your feelings and not making music to impress, or to prove you’re the best at anything. The recognition will come with time.

Listen to Yigga’s single 'Edge' on Spotify here, along with her new music video!

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