A Freshman’s Guide to Surviving College

A Freshman’s Guide to Surviving College

Finally! The day has come that you are about to make your way in the world. No parents. No expectations. No set path. The world is your oyster! Freshman year is the year of change for thousands of students across the nation. What will you study? What clubs will you join? Should you try something new or remain on the same path you were on in High School? This is the moment to become the person you want to be. 

While this sounds new and exciting, going off to school by yourself can also seem terrifying. Yes, no parents. But what will you do in an emergency? Will you make any friends? Will you be alright? The answer: yes. Transitioning from high school to college may seem stressful, but you will get through it.

Being the oldest child, I did not have someone to help guide me through the process of becoming a college student. I had to figure out everything for myself. Looking back, I realized there were many things I wish I had known and some things I wish I did not worry about. Above all, I wish that I had a guide on how to survive my first year of college. So, I am compiling some tips I have learned over the years to help those of you about to go through your first year.

Tip #1: Get out of your comfort zone.

Going off to school can seem scary because you do not have a set of friends yet. Many freshmen forget that everyone is in the same boat. Everybody is desperate to make friends. This is the time to introduce yourself to somebody new. Open your door to tempt people to stick their head in and say hello. If they don’t, do not be scared to knock on doors to introduce yourself.

Tip #2: Try anything that seems interesting.

There are so many clubs and organizations to join at college. Don’t limit yourself and try out a little of everything. Once you get a taste of what you like and dislike, then you can choose some to focus on. Joining a club or organization is one of the best ways to meet more people beyond your classmates or roommate. 

Tip #3: It is okay to make mistakes.

When you first get to college, you may feel a little lost. The change in environment may be a little stressful, but it is okay to not have everything perfect. But what if you arrive and realize the school you toured is not the school right for you? If you picked the wrong school, it is okay. Transferring is not often talked about, but it is a lot more normal than you realize. If you feel the need to transfer, do not feel like you messed up. 

Tip #4: Don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do.

You are at a new place with new people. You want to develop relationships and make memories, but you don’t have to put yourself in uncomfortable situations to do that. If you do not feel comfortable at a party or hanging out with certain people, it is completely fine to leave. There will always be people that want to do other things besides party. You just have to find them.

Tip #5: And lastly, have fun.

It can become very easy to get too busy with schoolwork to enjoy yourself while at college. While grades are important, your mental health is just as important. If you don’t think you can make deadlines, talk to your professors. They are more than willing to help you with assignments. Also, make sure that you step away from the computer and enjoy some free time. Go to dinner with friends, host a movie night, or do a spa day. Just make sure that college isn’t all work and no play.

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