What I Eat in a Day as a College Student in NYC

What I Eat in a Day as a College Student in NYC

A look into some quick and easy meals that won't break the bank

As a college student, there are a few goals in mind when it comes to planning my meals: buy the least expensive options while still trying to fuel my body with the healthiest food choices. Lucky for me, NYC is a diverse city when it comes to cuisine and offers a plethora of hearty food options. On my block alone, there is a Sweetgreen (which has the most delicious salads ever) and a smoothie shop where I can order a nutritious and filling blend of greens and fruits. While NYC succeeds in the department of welcoming healthy foods, the city isn't so great for my other goal– spending the least amount of money per week as possible. 

It's no secret that NYC is one of the most expensive spots you can reside in. A quick bite to eat with a friend can end up costing almost $40, and a casual happy hour get-together can surely drain $50 from your bank account. When I moved here 3 years ago for college, I quickly learned that the best way to not accidentally blow all your money is to plan out your meals. (And to be clear, I'm not talking about pre-packaging portions into Tupperware every Sunday– although if that works for you, go for it!)

When I say plan my meals, I mean I make mental notes of what dinners I want to make throughout the week to shop accordingly. (Cause, let's be honest, there's nothing worse than opening up your fridge and experiencing that dreaded "I have nothing to eat" feeling.) To avoid this, I will pop into my local Trader Joe's multiple times a week for the best deals and the most delectable food choices. 

I typically rotate around the same two or three breakfasts and lunches each day, so the only thing I really have to work out is what will be hitting my plate come 7pm. Since I follow a pescatarian and dairy-free diet, it has taken me a while to discover the best meals that work for my body to leave me feeling satiated. After much trial and error, I have found a few staple meals that not only satisfy my hunger but don't leave my wallet empty, either. 

Below, take a peek at what a typical day in the life of eating looks like for me. Who knows, maybe you'll even explore some new meal options that never crossed your mind before?

FYI: All of these ingredients are from Trader Joe’s. (Yes, I am that obsessed.)

Breakfast: My Everyday Oats

What You Need: ½ cup rolled oats, 1 cup almond milk, frozen blueberries, almond butter, raisins, chia seeds 

What I Love About This Meal: I'm not exaggerating when I say I literally wake up every day craving the warmth and sweetness of this oatmeal. It's sweet, filling, and relatively simple to make– which is great for someone like me, who doesn't love to spend a lot of time hovering over the stove. I love to make this meal on the stovetop, but a microwave works just as well. Topping the dish with raisins and chia seeds adds a twist to your typical oats, and the extra sweetness doesn’t hurt, either.

Pro tip: Lay the frozen blueberries at the bottom of your bowl and put the hot oats on top. The blueberries will melt into your bowl and result in mouth-watering bites.  

Lunch: Eggs with Pesto Toast

What You Need: ½ cup egg whites, 2 slices of multigrain toast, 1 tablespoon of pesto, a hint of plant-based butter to cook the eggs

What I Love About This Meal: This is another meal I eat almost every day because not only is it absolutely delicious, but it is easy to make– which is right up my alley. I also love to spread a little Earth Balance on the toast along with the pesto for a buttery taste. I often pair a juicy red apple with this lunch because let's face it, you can never go wrong with an apple. 

Dinner: Salmon Burger with Green Veggies and Lentil Pasta

What You Need: 1 salmon burger, a drizzle of balsamic glaze, 1 cup of red lentil pasta, ½ cup of marinara sauce, an assortment of frozen broccoli and Brussels sprouts

What I Love About This Meal: One reason I turn to this meal multiple times a week is because it packs a lot of protein. Between the salmon and the lentil pasta, this dinner fills me up enough that I sometimes don't crave my midnight snack of cereal– though this is rare, I can't resist my midnight Panda Puffs. Also, the salmon burgers I get are frozen, which makes my meals even that much more manageable as a busy college student. As for the veggies, which I also cook from frozen, my personal favorite way is to roast them in the oven. There's nothing better than crunchy roasted greens to accompany a savory meal of salmon and pasta, right? 

Various Snacks I Had: This wouldn't be true what I eat in a day if I didn't include the snacks I munched on during the day. On this day, in particular, I found myself nibbling on carrots and hummus, a Lara bar, and some dried mangos. And, like I end almost every day, I had a crunchy bowl of Peanut Butter Panda Puff cereal– which is still my favorite cereal at 21 years old. 

So, next time you're drawing a blank when you're perusing the grocery store or staring hopelessly into your fridge, think back on some of my beloved easy and quick meal ideas and give them a shot. I promise you that not only will your stomach be happy, but your wallet will feel even better. 

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