We Planned Out the Ultimate Solo Date Day

We Planned Out the Ultimate Solo Date Day

Treating yourself can be a valuable form of self-care

Roses, red wine, little black dresses, and engaging exchanges flood the mind when the term "date" is brought up in casual conversation. Traditionally, dates have been seen as opportunities to connect with a potential romantic partner, and it never hurts to relish in all the lavishness and chocolate-covered strawberries that may come with them. 

But what if we could change the connotation when it comes to dates? What if a date could also be seen as an enriching solo experience that allows one to spend quality time alone while treating themselves? Enter in solo dates– the most current and, arguably, enjoyable form of self-care.

Self-care doesn't have to only consist of peaceful massages, refreshing cucumber facials, or pampering at the salon. Self-care can be as simple as making an effort to spend time with yourself and get in touch with who you really are. And what better way to do this than planning a day with the sole goal of partaking in activities you love? Whether you want to map out your solo date day to be relaxing, productive, or full of adventure, the possibilities are endless.

And if you need some help coming up with ideas for your day of independence and empowerment, we've got you covered. Check out this mock schedule of a solo date day and let your mind run wild with inspiration. 

Your Guide to an Ultimate Solo Date Day

10am: Rise and shine! 

Because, honestly, what's a better way to reward yourself than sleeping in?

10:30am: Breakfast of champs. 

Whether it's a fruity acai bowl, fluffy pancakes, or savory avocado toast, making a breakfast full of ingredients you love will kick start a great day. And don't forget, it's essential to take your time while eating. No more rushing to cram food down your throat before you need to go– today is all about being mindful and reaching maximum satisfaction. So, take a seat and catch up on your favorite TV show while munching on your delicious morning meal.

11:30am: It's time for your rejuvenating get-ready routine.

 A slow and mindful practice is where it's at. No matter if you're doing a skincare regimen, applying makeup, fixing your hair, or all three, get ready for the day with the peace of mind in knowing that the next 12 hours are all about you. 

12pm-2pm: A serene afternoon in the park. 

What could be better than a warm day under the sun? Spread out a colorful blanket, put on your most fashionable pair of sunglasses, and grab your picnic basket– it's time to relax. If you want to get some movement in, taking a stroll through the park is a great way to connect with nature and spend time with yourself. Another idea is to bring along your journal and write out a gratitude log for the day or break out that book on your nightstand that you've been dying to read. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it's done with an intentional and optimistic mindset. 

2pm-3pm: Coffee break. 

There's nothing like an iced vanilla midday pick me up.

3pm-4pm: Hot yoga class.

 Yoga is not only good for the body, but the mind, too. Participating in a sweaty hot yoga class will cleanse your mind and refresh your soul.

4pm-5:30pm: Time to doll up again! (Or not.) 

A steamy shower with bubbling soap and spicy aromas is the perfect way to start getting ready for your night out (or in). Depending on if you decide to stay in or go out by yourself tonight will determine your attire. Will it be a glam night on the town or a cozy sweatpants kind of evening?

5:30pm-7pm: A delicious dinner.

 If you stayed in, now's the time to channel your inner chef. Make a nutritious and tasty meal to share with your favorite person on earth– yourself. If you decided to ditch your house for the night, splurge on your favorite restaurant. Eating alone at a restaurant may seem intimidating, but don't fret; it can be very self-empowering. 

7pm-9pm: You can never go wrong with a movie night. 

A classic date of dinner and a movie except, this time, it's all about you. Snuggle up on the couch to a feel-good rom-com if you're in the comfort of your home, or go see a hit box office movie if you decided to venture out. Watching a movie alone can be a wonderful experience. (Hello, no one to ask questions every other second!) 

9pm-10pm: Indulge in your favorite dessert.  

Scoop out a bowl of double-fudge chocolate chip ice cream if you stayed in for the night or hit up a drive-through for a creamy milkshake on your way home from the theater. Either way, this is the perfect way to treat yourself at the end of the day. Chocolate makes everything better, right?

10pm to until you fall asleep: Calming nighttime routine. 

Begin the process of winding down by doing all the basics– washing your face, applying a skin serum, brushing your teeth, and putting on a comfortable pair of pajamas. Once you're all cozy and ready to hop in bed, you can do whatever your heart desires until your eyes flutter shut. You may choose to read a book, binge a Hulu show, FaceTime a friend, brew a hot cup of herbal tea, or even meditate. Whatever you do, make sure to take pleasure in the fact that today was all about self-growth and discovery. You spent an entire day focusing on yourself and your needs, and that's something to be proud of. You're sure to feel refreshed and revitalized when you open up the curtains tomorrow morning and let the morning sun wash over you. 

Maybe solo date days should become a more regular thing, don't you think? 

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