Brighten Up Your Workspace with Vibrant Summertime Flowers

Brighten Up Your Workspace with Vibrant Summertime Flowers

Working from home comes with many perks–an extra hour of sleep, the luxury of your coffee pot five feet away, and the comfort of wearing sweatpants while only looking presentable from the top-up. However, while indulging in these newfound advantages of bringing the office to your living space, you may find that your environment needs a little sprucing up. Those dark grey walls for your dining room may have been a good idea for a modern-chic dinner area, but they can become dreary and stagnant if you're surrounded by them all day long. How can we fix this?

Thankfully, there's a simple solution to freshening up your workspace–and it may even be available right in your backyard. There is no better accent that will bring back some excitement and liveliness into your routine than blooming summertime flowers. 

The Best Flowers for the Season 

Although flowers are beautiful year-round, nothing beats the exceptional allure of flowers in the summer months. Bright pops of colors are only fitting for a season where we want to spend most of our time outdoors basking in the warming sun. And there is no lack of options when it comes to flowers, either. They come in all different hues, shapes, and rosy scents. You name it, a flower probably comes in that shade. While all flowers are worthy of praise, some of the most stunning flowers for summery days in your at-home office include Black-Eyed Susans, Geraniums, Hibiscus’, and Gerbera Daisies. 

Black-Eyed Susans

As one of the most well-known flowers, these are exactly what we imagine when we envision skipping through a sprouting field. They're gorgeous in nature but will look even better sitting upon your makeshift desk. A warming splash of yellow or orange is precisely what you need to enhance the space that envelopes you day after day. Not only are these pleasing on their own, but they will go perfectly in any arrangement you create. 


Could you imagine pink shades more dazzling than those that belong to this lovely plant? Geraniums come in various hues of rich pink–from soft pale tones all the way to deep berry– that will add to the ambiance of your work-from-home vibe. A quick glance at these flowers every so often will remind you to appreciate all the small but beautiful things life has to offer. 


When you order a delicious Hibiscus tea refresher from Starbucks, have you ever stopped to think about what a Hibiscus even is or where it comes from? It's not just a fancy word to make your drink sound more appealing. Believe it or not, Hibiscus' are whimsical creations that grow from the earth– and their leaves are commonly used in tea variations. Hibiscus flowers can be found sporting pink, orange, red, purple, and sometimes white and blue pigments. Incorporating a burst of color in your room from one of these plants will surely lighten your mood as soon as you wake up.

Gerbera Daisies

It's no secret that daisies are amongst the most sought-after of flowers. Their animated shape is not only delightful and lively, but their elaborate size is captivating in bouquet arrangements or decorations. We all know daisies come in white, but were you aware Gerbera Daisies are a variation that flourishes deeper shades such as fiery red, blazing orange, and electric yellow? Easy on the eyes, no doubt. These flowers will love to live in a vase on your kitchen counter and have you awe at them all day. 

How the Color of Flowers Can Affect Mood 

If the pleasing aesthetics of vividly colored flowers wasn't a selling point enough, there's actually science to support your decision in adding them to your home decor. Flowers + Science= Who knew?

Colors can dramatically affect our mood and state of mind. Each tone has different impacts on the emotions they can surface within. That being said, the colors of the flowers you choose to welcome into your home can uncover feelings that you may not even be consciously aware of.  

Pink is known to be a nurturing color and can act as a symbol of hope. Pink can also signal comforting feelings in the brain and make one feel safe. The inspiration and solace that tones of pink can unleash are an ideal addition to your home. We all want our homes to be safe spaces, and there is no better color than a lavish pink to meet that desire.

Surprisingly opposite from pink, deep shades of red can cause your bold side to shine through. The color red is said to be a representation of strength. When you see a rich red pigment, your unconscious mind may be filled with a spirit of confidence. If you want to feel powerful and accomplish all your work, red hues are the way to go. A quick glance at a vase with red flowers will have you feeling empowered and strong-willed in all you do–guaranteed. 

Arguably the most vibrant color, yellow is the perfect answer to add some excitement and energy into your life. Yellow is cheerful and attention-grabbing (as it's the color most visible to the human eye).  A burst of yellow in your house can emit positive feelings and motivate you. There's no better supporter than the dynamic shade of yellow. 

For a particularly stressful situation, a serene splash of blue is sure to calm you down. Blue is a tranquil shade and can induce calmness throughout the body. Incorporating a few hints of this tone throughout your personal space will make a massive difference in how you feel during those hectic zoom meetings.

Ignite Your Inner Florist 

Incorporating flowers doesn't have to be an extravagant ordeal. Sprinkle some on your work desk, your bathroom counter, your kitchen sink, or display a brilliant bouquet in a sunny spot of your living room. No matter where they are, having them around will switch up the aura and be refreshing.

So next time you're out on daily errands, pick some up from your local grocery store or even pluck some from your backyard. Better yet, take up gardening as a hobby and plant your own little budding plants. No matter how you get them, those eye-catching flowers will radiate the same amount of joy. From now on, while working from home, you'll find that life is a little bit better when you stop to smell the roses. Literally. 

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