Navigating Back to In-Person Classes

Navigating Back to In-Person Classes

Fears, Excitements, and Expectations

When we first heard what college was going to be, it went something like; an exciting new experience, meeting your new forever friends, the freedom to do your own thing, and the best years of your life. Those words do not exactly come to mind when we think of what college has been like for the last year and a half. For most of us, college during Covid meant moving back home, sitting in front of a computer in the same room you sleep in, and drowning in a seemingly endless amount of schoolwork. For some of us it was experiencing your first semester, never having stepped foot on your college campus. For months students and professors alike (well more accurately, most students and professors) have been dreaming of the day when we can get back to being on campus and grabbing the full potential of our college experience. 

Now that the time has come, the feelings about what that actually means are confusing, exciting, and nerve racking all at once. Those anxieties that college students face every single day were already overwhelming before throwing a pandemic into the mix. The factors to consider are immense, and the hope is that we can get back into our routines, back to seeing our friends, and back to experiencing every amazing, wonderful thing life has to offer. So, what are some of those fears, and excitements we are so consumed with, and how will we navigate through them to get back to what we love?

Confide in Loved ones~

For a lot of students, stepping into their first ever college class was terrifying. Since most of us were online for a year and a half, it feels like we are experiencing that all over again. Those of us who were sophomores when this pandemic hit, are now stepping back into a classroom as a SENIOR, all the while feeling like a freshman. It doesn’t help that the looming fear of graduating and being let out into the real world is approaching faster than we ever expected. It helps to understand that everyone is in the same boat. Staying connected with friends or family that are a support system, will help to navigate back into the craziness of college. Making plans with friends to visit your favorite restaurant, or just enjoying a little lunch or quick cup of coffee with someone in the same position, can help to realize that we’re not alone in this.

Keep yourself feeling organized and calm~

While facing classes remotely for the first time, we all had to adapt to new mindsets, ways of completing work, and dealing with the everyday stresses of college. One thing that changed drastically, was the transition to professors making tests and assignments mostly open notes. Before remote learning, open-note tests were the dream of every overwhelmed college student. After a few months, this translated into a lack of studying, and stimulation within our classes. We all became a little lax, and furthermore grew to resent our classes rather than feel excitement for them. Getting back to in-person exams can seem overwhelming, and we may have the urge to just crawl back into our remote worlds. The best way to prevent getting caught up in the dread of this, is through good organization and self-care. This could include using a planner to keep track of all your assignments and getting back into good study habits like lots of water, breaks, staying full of powerful brain food and the avoidance of distractions. All of these should make the transition a bit smoother and help us get back to that grind. 

Get excited for getting ready each day~

Something many of us became very comfortable with, was rolling out of bed and right to your desk in the pajamas you slept in. Or at the maximum amount of effort- changing into your best pair of day pajamas. It’s safe to say that is one area of remote learning that will be slightly missed. The task now to get up and have to put effort into picking an outfit, and getting presentable, seems daunting, and can make us feel a little out of practice. This should really be looked at as an opportunity to get creative again. Play around with fashion, and maybe discover your new style. You have the chance to go on a little back to school shopping spree and find some new pieces to make you excited to get ready in the morning. As hard as it will be to say goodbye to the comforting hug of your sweatpants, the time has come to set them free (at least until you get home from class)!

When thinking about something you're afraid of, remember that fear and excitement have the exact same effect on us. Instead of saying “I am scared” we should all be saying “I am excited!” Keeping a positive mindset and giving ourselves time to adjust, will be the key to us all getting back to making the memories, having some fun, and being excited about life again!

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