To Mask or Not to Mask

To Mask or Not to Mask

Since COVID-19 ripped across the globe in 2020, everyone has been forced to learn how to function with a small yet influential change. When officials started making mask mandates, no one realized the effect that they would have on society and the way it functions. Everyone had to get used to the new reality of only seeing the top half of people’s faces. While we may have been near other people, it still felt as if we were not being seen. Over time, wearing a mask became normal and going mask less seemed unusual. It has now been over a year since all the craziness of the pandemic occurred, and we are faced with an interesting situation. Now that there is a vaccine, should we wear a mask or not?

Over the past year, I have heard a mixed opinion about wearing masks. Some people hated the fact that they could not see everyone's faces and hated that it could be hard to understand others when speaking. Other people, myself included, actually liked that the masks helped on days when they were not looking perfect. I know quite a few women that enjoyed not having to do their makeup every day because of them. While opinions were mixed, it seemed as if everyone understood each other’s frustrations with the situation. Everyone was just trying to get through the pandemic alive (literally). Now that we have gotten through the bulk of the actual pandemic, people are starting to learn how to function post-pandemic. 

Depending on where you are from or live, the way people are dealing with the virus could differ. In populated cities, people may still be wearing their masks, regardless of if they are vaccinated or not. In more rural areas, the number of masks being worn is much lower than in the cities. Now that there is a mix of people wearing and not wearing masks, there seems to be an air of uncertainty hanging in public spaces. Depending on where I am going, I switch from going mask less to wearing a mask. If I see other people without them, nothing seems unusual. It is when I am without a mask, and someone is wearing one that I start to feel wary. I almost feel the need to preface an interaction with “Don’t worry. I’m vaccinated” so that they don’t get the wrong idea. They may not think much about it, or they could appreciate the heads up. You never know. Things seem much blurrier when it comes to motives for wearing them. Are you wearing a mask to protect from the virus or because you have yet to get the vaccine? Or are you not wearing a mask because you have the vaccine or because you do not believe in wearing them? It is all so confusing. You never know if you are at risk around another person or not.

While this confusion can cause some frustration, I am still grateful that we are at the point where things are somewhat normal. I never knew how much I missed going out in public until I recently went to see a movie at an actual movie theater (gasp). This past year has not been easy for anybody, but I do think that it has taught us about ourselves and the things we take for granted. We have learned how to appreciate the daily activities that we never gave a second thought until they were taken away. Regardless of if we are masking or unmasked, it is just good to say that we have gotten through everything. It is time that we appreciate everything available to us.

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