The Dating App Epidemic
I never thought I would be one of those people to resort to a dating app, but the last week I spent more time then I would like to admit scrolling through Hinge. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being on dating apps. I know loads of people who have met their partners on a dating app. Personally, I don’t want to, and I much prefer basing somebody off the way they present themselves in real life versus an image.
I’ve met some interesting people on dating apps. A handful are super nice, but there are plenty who know how to overstep. Many men who refuse to give up after you stop replying to their messages. The process of navigating a dating app can be entertaining, frustrating and makes you want to roll your eyes. Leaving an odd taste in your mouth when looking at profiles and realizing nobody is appealing to you. Everytime I am on the app there is one thought that stays in the back of my brain, and that is one of the main reasons people are on here for hookups.
The one thing worse than a dating app itself, is the culture that surrounds it. Tinder has gained a reputation for being a place where people go for something short term and very casual. That app has become so popular, it is the first one that you would think of when asked to name a dating app. Leading the other apps get grouped in, making those thoughts about Tinder spread to other dating apps.
Despite how normal it has become to use dating apps, it still feels as if there is a stigma surrounding it. Is our ability to approach one another so bad that we can only do that over text? Are we that desperate to feel loved by another person that we need it as quick as a swipe? Does this stem from a self esteem issue we all have?
As I previously said, I know numerous people who have had successful relationships start on Tinder. Looking at their outcome and comparing it to my own, makes me wonder what I am doing wrong. The concept seems so simple but yet it is so difficult to execute. No matter how hard or frequently you put yourself out there, not everybody is going to reciprocate. It almost feels like you are playing a losing game. Ghosting is always happening on dating apps, and if you were to try in person, they can reject you with just one word.
So how are we supposed to navigate the minefield that is the dating world? Well, there's two ways. The first is to do a full sprint and go all in. If you keep reaching out and engaging with others, surely somebody will reciprocate the feelings. If not, maybe a new friendship can stem from this as well. The other option would be to avoid it. Let somebody run through it to get to
you. Everyone says love comes when you least expect it, so maybe we should just stop caring as much. At the end of the day, there is nothing wrong with not having a romantic partner in your life. What I’ve been doing is engaging, and not going above and beyond. So let's hope that someday it works out for all of us.