The Benefits of Cooking at Home versus Ordering In, For your Wallet and Wellbeing

The Benefits of Cooking at Home versus Ordering In, For your Wallet and Wellbeing

We have all been there. It is late and we are tired. We don't feel like cooking. With a few clicks, we have what we desire at our doorstep within an hour. We don't mind the wait. It's the price we pay for convenience. Plus, the delivery fee and raised prices when we order through an app. 

It adds up quickly. It seems like there is nothing to order that will ever equate to being less than $20. It becomes addictive. 

But what about the times when we spend the money, wait, and our order is wrong? It isn't like we are in a restaurant and can send it back. We don't have dinner and have to spend time talking to a robot about how we would like a refund. 

It has become increasingly normalized to ordering in. It began with delivering pizzas and turned into ordering gourmet meals. There's nothing wrong with an occasional treat. There may be repercussions to trading in homecooked meals for restaurant food.

There is an abundance of mental and physical health benefits to cooking your meals. 

1. You choose each ingredient. There is no cheese when you specifically wrote that you are lactose intolerant. Your meal isn't too spicy or mild because you added how much heat you'd like.

2. You tend to cook healthier than the indulgences you order. When you order out, are you more likely to overpay for a salad or a burger? The food you cook at home most likely won't be thrown in an unknown batter and deep-fried in a kitchen you've never seen. You will most likely cook from whole ingredients, resulting in more nutritious meals. 

3. Cooking inspires creativity. You get to learn new recipes. Try new things. Not everything will go as planned, but I can guarantee it is more satisfying to eat a meal you've perfected than open a plastic container left at your door.

4. Sharing meals with friends. Once you've found your favorite recipes, you can share them! Invite friends or family over and always have a go-to treat to bring to get-togethers. Food brings conversation. Meals are a great way to connect with our loved ones. 

Think of a meal you'd like to try to make next time you go to the supermarket. Compare the two experiences yourself. The time cooking versus the time waiting. The boost in your mental and physical health doesn't drain your wallet. You don't have to be a chef to perfect a meal. Start small and simple. Surprise yourself with how much you learn and how great it feels.

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