Navigating Communication as an Introvert

Navigating Communication as an Introvert

Being an introvert can cause us to have fewer social interactions. We can be less accustomed to proper forms of communication, even when it comes to our partners and friends. BetterHealth explains the importance of communication in any relationship. 

There is no one way of communication. We create different dynamics with different people in our lives, including setting various boundaries and finding the most efficient way to communicate. But why is it so important? 

Some catastrophes could have been avoided if a simple conversation had happened. We can't read each other’s minds and assumptions can be dangerous. It is best to be direct and ask questions instead of creating scenarios in our heads.

Communication builds trust and opens the door to more opportunities. A conversation may be challenging, but that doesn't mean we should avoid it altogether. 

You may find that something you were afraid of sharing becomes something you have in common. Communicating your feelings opens the door for trust and a greater ability to connect. 

A few things to keep in mind when communicating are: 

Create the space and time to have a conversation without interruptions. Make sure it is a time when the other person would also like to have a conversation. 

Use 'I' statements. Instead of saying, "you know when it feels like you're falling," say, "sometimes I feel like I am falling." 

Share positive feelings. Loved ones need to hear specific things about them that you appreciate and admire. 

Be aware of your tone of voice. I am guilty of this one! I can get the words right, but my tone will be defensive. It is important to be mindful of how we are speaking to each other.

Let the other person speak, show interest, and listen. 

Being an introvert has its challenges. We may keep to ourselves more, but that doesn't mean we should be keeping our loved ones out.

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