Navigating the World as an Introvert

Navigating the World as an Introvert

It’s no secret that the world favors the ambitious and outspoken, which can make getting ahead feel impossible for the shy and reserved. That’s why we’re offering some  tried-and-true tips on how to navigate life as an introvert. 


The first step to finding your place as an introvert is understanding your strengths. You might not be the most avid public speaker or the first to share your thoughts during a meeting, and that’s okay! You still have great ideas, and you should find a role that allows you to express them in your own way. A job with a minimal supervision that can be done independently (or better yet, from home) is one option to consider: freelance writer, software engineer, and phone operator, are a few examples of positions with flexibility on location and team engagement so you get a chance to show off your talents in a setting that works for you. 


In the social sphere, it can get pretty lonely when you’re anxious about interacting with people you’ve never met or places you’ve never been. To alleviate some of this anxiety, try bringing some comfort with you when you’re forced to try something new—where your comfiest clothing, bring a familiar friend, and check the place or people out beforehand. Having an idea of who you’re meeting and where ahead of time can help you feel more secure in what to say and where to go. Remember this: you can always go at your own pace when it comes to going out. 


And, of course, there’s also romance. This realm can seem especially daunting to introverts—it can feel hard to get to know someone when you’re never the first one to share stories or things about yourself. Our recommendation here is to utilize technology to your advantage. Oftentimes, getting to know someone better digitally can take some of the pressure off of traditional face-to-face meetings. Once you’re more comfortable, you can go from texting, to FaceTiming, to eventually working your way up to a first date. 

The biggest takeaway from this is to work with yourself, rather than against yourself. Just because you may not be the most social or upbeat, doesn’t mean that you don’t have a lot to say. Understand how your personality fits within the professional, social, and romantic world and find a place that fits you instead of the other way around.

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