Grace Amos On Covering a Foo Fighters Classic and Her Latest Single DECIDE

Grace Amos On Covering a Foo Fighters Classic and Her Latest Single DECIDE

DECIDE is a newly released single that is a poignant exploration of youth, sexuality and growth by Grace Amos. Grace’s deep, soft vocals are also featured in a cover that she did. She released a beautiful, delicate cover of the Foo Fighters’ classic Everlong, tapping into the intimate beauty of the original in a completely unique way,. In conversation with Clique, Grace shares that there’s a lot of pressure from society to figure stuff out really quickly, and for some people it may not be their time to figure it out. Maybe they’re not ready for it! She has had people tell her that they feel like they're not alone when her lyrics openly explore these issues.

CLIQUE: You are so talented! What got you into music to begin with?

GRACE: I’ve loved music for as long as I can remember, and it’s always been a big part of my life. I have to thank my parents for putting me into piano and singing lessons from when I was five years old. Some of my earliest memories were watching Video Hits every Sunday morning with my Dad.

CLIQUE: Tell us about your decision behind making a cover of the Foo Fighters’ classic Everlong.

GRACE: I’d been working my producer Darren Percival throughout 2021 and he brought the concept of the Everlong cover to me. He pulled the whole product together, and produced it for me in December, in the week after I finished Year 12. Dave Grohl wrote the lyrics 'If everything could ever feel this real forever’ at a time in his life when things were shifting - and so singing those lyrics in this stripped back version made perfect sense to me, as things in my life were also shifting at the time.

CLIQUE: Was it your decision to create the behind the scenes video to accompany the cover?

GRACE: We wanted to make video capturing the 2 days we spent at Free Energy Device Studios in Sydney in December 2021 making Everlong. I feel like behind-the-scenes videos are a great way to show your fans the real moments and the fun moments that go into actually recording and putting together a track. I feel like people love to see ‘behind the curtain’ and these posts are usually pretty popular with my audience. After hearing the final mix of Everlong, it just felt like the perfect soundtrack to use for the BTS video!

“DECIDE is about the emotional consequences that come with exploring new relationships and new parts of ourselves. It’s about self-discovery, new journeys and the fear of the unknown.”

CLIQUE: You also just released your latest single DECIDE. What is DECIDE about?

GRACE: DECIDE is about the emotional consequences that come with exploring new relationships and new parts of ourselves. It’s about self-discovery, new journeys and the fear of the unknown.

CLIQUE: How long does it take you to create a single such as DECIDE?

GRACE: I’m writing new songs every week and I’m in a good place right now where songs are flowing! DECIDE came to me pretty quickly and my producer and I had a demo for it in just a few hours!

CLIQUE: Is there a specific message or feeling you hope your listeners take away after listening to your single?

GRACE: There’s a lot of pressure from society to figure this stuff out really quickly, and for some people it may not be their time to figure it out. Maybe they’re not ready for it! I’ve had people tell me that they feel like they're not alone when my lyrics openly explore these issues.

CLIQUE: Do you have any songs that you want to cover in the future?

GRACE: In my live set right now, I cover a song called Mother Mother, which I love. I heard The Veronicas cover it and love how much it rocks!

“I want the lyrics to resonate with people. Music is so powerful like that.”

CLIQUE: What is your favorite part of creating music?

GRACE: It has to be the storytelling. That’s so important to me as I want the lyrics to resonate with people. Music is so powerful like that.

CLIQUE: Who is someone who you would love to collaborate with?

GRACE: There are so many amazing Australian female artists right now like Vera Blue, Sycco, Jess Day, Stellie - I’d be so excited to work with any of these artists. I’d also love to collaborate with my favourite hometown band The Rubens! But really, I’m learning so much right now and I’m so grateful to be connected with some amazing artists and producers.

CLIQUE: Do you have any future projects that you would like to share?

GRACE: I’m working on my debut EP right now, and I plan to release it before I play at the Valleyways Festival in September, alongside The Rubens, Middle Kids, Skegss and more!

Listen to Grace Amos’ single DECIDE on Spotify here, and also watch her cover of Everlong on Youtube.

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