Getting Outside Means Going Beyond The Walk To Your Car
It can be challenging to get outside, especially if you are an introvert. There are people out there and unknown situations. We have our cozy, familiar homes we stay tucked away in like nests. There are many benefits to getting outside, and not all of them involve socializing with other people. A plethora of health benefits comes from getting outside for at least fifteen minutes once a day.
Instead of eating lunch in your car or inside, try your local park. Enjoy the sun and surrounding nature. Soak up vitamins while decompressing.
We are so busy; it is hard to justify the importance of going for a walk in the park. But that walk can add years to your life by decreasing your levels of stress. According to WebMD it may also:
Decrease your blood pressure
Improve your sleep
Burn calories
Elevate Vitamin D levels.
Reduce Anxiety
Improve your focus
Boost your creativity
Connecting to the nature around us also leads us to great connections with others and ourselves. Take that walk and watch nature transform life around you and within you.