Beyond the Fluff, The Benefit Pets Have on Mental Health

Beyond the Fluff, The Benefit Pets Have on Mental Health

Pets are so much more than big-eyed fluffy animals. I grew up with dogs and always loved seeing their wagging tails and giving them belly rubs. Last year, I met who would soon become my best companion, a bushy-tailed and bright-eyed kitten named Cora. I knew she would improve my quality of life and mental health. I had this fluffy critter to take care of, days weren't about my schedule anymore. They began to shift into caring for her. mentions the various ways pets improve mental health.

Getting outside and exercising. If you are a dog owner, you will be motivated to get fresh air and go on walks and adventures with your pup. Even cat owners have begun to take their cats on adventures. 

They provide companionship. There is a sense of comfort in a relationship with a pet. I never feel at home alone, she is always there with me, waiting to play, or I can watch her nap and it puts a smile on my face.

Reduce anxiety. Feeling Cora's soft fur, brushing her, playing with her all help bring my anxiety levels down. 

There are numerous benefits to owning a pet. It is a change in your life. Each pet has a different personality you will have to take the time to get to know and understand. Pets adapt to our structure and in many ways, we adapt to theirs. They crave companionship as much as we do. It is important to have time to care for them, especially if you are considering a kitten or puppy. They will have accidents and will have to be taught what's alright to play with and what isn't. 

The time invested is worth it.

Every pet is unique. If you raise them with love, they will most likely grow up to be loving. Cora wakes me up every morning around 7 AM. Without fail, she is there on my chest the moment I open my eyes and hear the soothing vibrations of her purr. 

If you love animals and have the time and commitment, adopt a pet. They are immensely beneficial for mental health, and adorable to admire. 

Externally, it seems we take care of them. We feed them, buy them toys, pet them. But really, they take care of us.

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