Ways to Recharge to Prevent Burnout

Ways to Recharge to Prevent Burnout

We have all felt overworked and burned out at one point, and that feeling sucks! The term burnout was actually first used in the 1970s by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger, who defined burnout as “a severe stress condition that leads to severe physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.” While we’re not strangers to this stressful state, it is important to know and understand the signs of burnout. Signs include feeling very drained both mentally and physically, isolating yourself and withdrawing from things that typically brought joy, a weakened immune system, and a lack of productivity. All these signs sound terrible, so what can be done to avoid burnout altogether? Below are five self-care tips which, if followed, will help you recharge to prevent burnout.

1. Practice good sleeping habits

Getting enough sleep is crucial, so make sure you have a set bedtime and wake time. Sometimes it’s not possible to get that full 8 hours of rest, but practicing good nighttime habits like no phone before bed can still be extremely beneficial.

2. Schedule your free time

Typically, the activities we enjoy doing for fun are the first things to be sacrificed when life gets busy. Setting aside designated free time in your calendar, as you would block out time for a meeting or appointment, will insure you take time for yourself to do something you enjoy.

3. Meditate or engage in a mindfulness practice

Meditating is a great way to connect with yourself. Meditating for just a few minutes a day allows you to check in on yourself and become more aware of your needs. To learn more about meditation, check out our “Our Experience with Meditation” article. If meditating isn’t your thing, practicing yoga or even going on a walk can help you be more mindful and self-aware.

4. Change your environment

In the age of working remotely, many of us can pick up our laptops and work from pretty much anywhere. A great way to get a change of scenery is to rent an Airbnb somewhere for a week or two and work remotely from there. Even working from a local coffee shop is a good change of pace. If your job doesn’t provide this freedom, consider ways you can change your environment after work, such as hiking on a new trail or exploring a part of town you’re not familiar with.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

With hustle culture being so popular, we are conditioned to believe we have the power to handle anything that comes our way, and that hard work is what’s most important. In reality, taking care of your mental and physical health should be the priority. Asking for help can look like having a meeting with your boss about delegating tasks, chatting with a roommate about responsibilities, or leaning on friends and family for support.

It almost seems as if we as a society have accepted burnout as a normal experience that we just have to endure until things get better. Burnout should not be a common occurrence and following the self-care tips above will help you steer clear of fatigue, isolation, and burnout.

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