How to Stay Organized During School

How to Stay Organized During School

It has been a few weeks since school started for a lot of us and procrastination may be starting to roll in. I know it is for me. At the beginning of every semester I tell myself, “You will do great. You will stay organized. You got this.” But by the time midterms hit, or in this case, about a month into school, I feel messy. I would have stopped using the unnecessary expensive planner I bought and writing down my assignments to help me keep track. I would have probably lost my planner and myself by midterms. I am not some organizational guru, however, I think I have some ways that personally help me stay more in order this school year that I would like to share in hopes that it can help you as well. 

Get yourself a planner. I can’t stress it enough that having a planner will definitely help, even if you may not use it often. You don’t just have to use one for school organization. You can write down your work schedule, appointments, plans you have made with friends, or even a day your favorite artist is releasing a new album. I personally like to get a fun, colorful planner that has inspirational quotes in it to keep me inspired. I also like to get stickers to add to make it more “me.” Stickers may make it a little messy, but whatever works to keep on track. 

Set a routine and rules for yourself. Having a routine can help you have a sense of control. It will lead you out of the trap of being and feeling unorganized, and help you focus better. Have a routine sleep schedule. If you like to workout, come up with a schedule that works best for you on when to exercise. Set a schedule (if you’re able to) away from your phone. I limit myself to 30 minutes of screen time on weekdays during the school year. It didn’t work very well at first, but it got better, you just have to believe you can do it because I promise, YOU CAN. 

Find a nice, comfy quiet workspace. When I say comfy, I don’t mean your bed. At least for me, that doesn’t work. I always get too comfy and tell myself, “We’ll do this assignment later. I want to watch Netflix.” I like to sit at a desk with a blanket wrapped around me, put on some music, leave my phone elsewhere, and get to work. 

Don’t wait until the last minute to work on assignments. Procrastination is my best friend, but it is quite a toxic friendship. Waiting until the last minute to start working on assignments can cause a lot of anxiety and unwanted stress. If a bigger assignment is coming up, or one that will take longer, make time throughout the days leading up to the assignment due date to get it done.  

It is very easy to get caught up with other things during the school year. It happens to all of us. I hope some of these tips help you in one way or another. 

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