Sleep Better Without your Phone

Sleep Better Without your Phone

According to SCL Health, there are multiple ways our cellphones hinder our sleep. 

The blue light coming through your phone screen is directly seeping into your brain. Yes, even when the phone is on a low light setting. It still impacts the melatonin levels in our brains. The light prevents the efficient production of melatonin. Less melatonin means a difficult time falling and staying asleep. 

We get sucked in. We see a post that raises our anxiety or makes us angry, even something that gets us excited. Our brains start ramping up around a spike in emotion. Our thoughts and feelings keep us awake longer instead of relaxing into a peaceful sleep. 

It is harder to wake up in the morning. We can lose track of time and spend hours doing various things on our phones when we are supposed to be falling asleep. We wake up groggy and unrested. Coffee can't always rescue us.

The healthiest way to a good night's rest is to avoid screens. When it is time to go into the bedroom, put your phone away and grab a book instead. You can also choose a time of night when you shut down technology and get ready for bed. 

If you use your phone for an alarm, leave it on the bedside table on silent. 

We are incredibly attached to our phones. They fit nicely into our hands but are unfit in a good night's rest.

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