Amanduh On Her New Single "Old Flame" And On Taking Back Her Power

Amanduh On Her New Single "Old Flame" And On Taking Back Her Power

"Old Flame" is a newly released stunning debut single by Amanduh. The single is an edgy, sizzling track that takes the power back after a toxic relationship. Amanduh has also announced a stunning video clip to accompany the track, directed by Martin Wood. In conversation with Clique, Amanduh shares that there’s always this thing in the back of your mind telling you that you can’t do certain things, and we’re just a testament to ourselves really. We can do things if we prioritize, and we put energy and effort into it, and it’s okay if not everyone digs it because you DID it. At the end of the day you’re one step ahead of the people who didn’t have the guts to do it and that in itself is impressive.

CLIQUE: What does it feel like to have your new single “Old Flame” out, along with its music video?

AMANDUH: Oh my gosh it is so exciting! I can’t explain to you how not only thrilling and nerve-wracking and overwhelming it is, but also the sense of accomplishment. This is my debut single so it’s a real stepping stone, or milestone, and the fact that I’ve got this gorgeous piece of art to go alongside it which is my music video is so freaking cool. I’m so proud of myself and my team. It’s just a whirlwind really.

CLIQUE: What was the process of creating the single like?

AMANDUH: It’s funny, I actually wrote the chorus about six months prior to completing the whole song. So I wrote the chorus and then one day I was flicking through the notes and as I read over it, I thought it was really catchy, so I punched out the rest of it and it sat on my phone for a while. My producer and I were chatting one day and I sent him the demo. From then, I don’t know how he does it, but he pretty much knew exactly what I wanted and from there we jumped in the studio, we pumped it out super quick, I got it mastered and all the rest was organisation and behind-the-scenes things in preparation for the release. In terms of creating the actual song itself it was super easy and seamless thanks to my beautiful producer.

I felt super empowered knowing I’m not letting someone like that back into my life.” 

CLIQUE: What inspired you to write a song about taking back power after being in a toxic relationship?

AMANDUH: It’s so funny because I feel like everything inspires me. But in particular; I was almost angry that I received that message from my ex-flame, like I’d done all this healing and I am so beyond letting people treat me like that. It was wild to me, to think that someone felt like what they did had no repercussions. I felt super empowered knowing I’m not letting someone like that back into my life. 

CLIQUE: What was making the video for your single like?

AMANDUH: It was cold. Bahahahaha. No But really, that’s a very distinct memory I have. It was freezing, late at night, because that was the only time we could shoot in places where there were minimal people around. It was so much fun, but also really exhausting. You don’t realise just how much you’ll hate your song after hearing it sped up and played about 50 times in a row for you to lip sync to!

CLIQUE: Were you creatively involved in the making of your music video?

AMANDUH: I was, yeah. When I approached Martin, the director, with the idea, I had a clear theme and mood that I wanted for it. I also got to style the shoot myself! 

CLIQUE: What is something you learned about yourself through the making of “Old Flame”?

AMANDUH: I guess that I can actually do it. There’s always this thing in the back of your mind telling you that you can’t do certain things, and we’re just a testament to ourselves really. We can do things if we prioritise, and we put energy and effort into it, and it’s okay if not everyone digs it because you DID it. At the end of the day you’re one step ahead of the people who didn’t have the guts to do it and that in itself is impressive. I’m just super proud of myself that I did it and stepped out of my comfort zone.

“It’s this beautiful gateway drug between reality and everything else and it’s gorgeous and scary and I can be whatever I want and that’s the exciting part with music.”

CLIQUE: What does music mean to you?

AMANDUH: It’s funny I regularly say music is like oxygen and it’s so corny and cliche and to be honest kind of stupid but I do mean it! It’s a coping mechanism. It’s therapy but free. It’s this beautiful gateway drug between reality and everything else and it’s gorgeous and scary and I can be whatever I want and that’s the exciting part with music. There’s endless opportunities and possibilities of expression so yeah, it is everything.

CLIQUE: Is music something that you have always had a love for?

AMANDUH: Yeah I was raised on musicals and did choir when I was younger, and then as I grew up I did musicals and solo gigs and all sorts of things. Most definitely it’s always been something that I’ve had a passion for. I learned guitar from a young age and I’ve been able to sing my whole life. I guess it’s just a gift that I was blessed with! It’s just been something that I’ve always done.

CLIQUE: Who is somebody that you would love to collaborate with?

AMANDUH: HAIM. I am totally and obnoxiously obsessed with these women. I love the harmonies, the beats they create, it’s the perfect mix of indie and pop and rock and this nostalgic sense of comfort. It’s amazing, I love them to pieces and it would be absolutely incredible to collaborate with them. 

CLIQUE: What do you have coming up in your career?

AMANDUH: Well I’m just coming off my launch gig at the Workers Club that went really well and I was super stoked with that - so for now, I’m just working on getting new material out there. Hopefully a few smaller gigs scattered in there, also but really just working up towards the release of my EP. 

Listen to Amanduh’s single “Old Flame” on Spotify here, and also watch her music video for it on Youtube.

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